Sunday, March 27, 2011

Boss or Be bossed

My colleague in camp always thinking about business idea so that he can start up a business when he leave the camp

but it is really hard to get good and original idea nowadays

Seriously what is not already out there?

Everything we can thought of there are already people doing it

Let take facebook as an example
Many programmers out there can say that this site can be done very easily
I am not kidding

the concept behind the site is simple
I even learn those in school

But the world world only one guy put it online and earn billions out of it

Maybe it is the way we all were brought up

In Singapore, our education system just doesn't put us in a pioneer mindset
where we are willing to venture into the big scary world out there

We all are so protected in such a way that we are comfortable working for someone else
Cause we know that the responsibility will not entirely fall on us if anything were to happen.

Of course there are still people willing to try out
but not all succeed

End up as a normal human you will weight the risk and find out working for other is so much safer

yes you have to suck it up some time

but still you are able to feed your family

So where do you stand?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

hai sian....

And there goes the Saturday

Feel like I did nothing

Maybe because I was playing only one game through out the day

The Sims Medieval

RPG Sims

Nice idea

a bit glitchy though

but I still say it is a nice game with a nice idea

Then again...
come to think of it

the game is like tell u to do this do that

it is like it is controlling you to control what to do instead of you freely do what you want to do...

maybe I still not far into the game

Till now I still dun really have free roam time

I still on chapter one...

You know what?

Time to go play more of it

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I am a nerd

I think I am one

I must be one

after doing some reflection

I am one....


Any just for a background story first

I do computer work in camp

So yes... I poorly paid and doing programming which I sucks at

So current I have no project to do

So guess what?

I was so bored that I made a program to count soccer odds

I really did it...

and when I came home

I did that some odd thingy again

I am such a nerd
The thing doesn't work
you still wouldn't win money


How I hope it works

maybe I should start making a program that calculate the probaility of the 4D number that is coming out


That is not a bad idea...

All I need to do now is look for the pattern... and then do a program for it


I am now officially a nerd

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Super Tsuki!

I must say...

I am really disappointed by it


it is not that big

look the same to me compare to every full moon

So what so special about it?

People say there will be GREAT DISASTER along with the moon

but so far... no luck with that

I guess that past few super moon are just too lucky

You know what?

This actually makes me feel better after so many people saying there will be something happening and it didn't

Cause a lot of people say we all going to die next year

Maybe it will not happen

I sure hope it doesn't happen

I still haven't have a GF yet...


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why does this happen?


First time in my life I did wish to be in Japan...


Though not the whole country was hit by the tsunami

but the area that was hit is really really in bad shape

Picture speak a thousand

ABC News
Japan Earthquake: before and after

Just go to the link and you will not want to go there too

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I dunno what to say...

I am in lost of words

I think all I can do is pray for the safety of everyone in Japan

Hopefully this tsunami does not crippler their country too much
I really hope they will return back to normal as soon as possible

I once said I would like the experience as much things in my life as I can

Things does happen and sometimes I regret having this hope

Tsunami is one of them I hope I will never have to experience

Just by watching the video on youtube
give me a chill down the spine

To all who could not make in out in time
Rest in peace

and for those who live, bless you and hope you all get back on you all feet soon

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Technology advancement
it is really something we should be grateful about?

Seriously think about this question

Is it really good for us?

Yes, technology make our life easier and better
we can do less as get more

But it is because of this convenience that going to make us fall...

The news says that next year there will be a solar storm so strong that all the electrical device will go down for MONTHS

Most people can't even live without the net or phone for a day...
think about months without them

We better that getting hobby that doesn't need electricity
like playing Monopoly or chess

if not when the time come we will all die

butt he good thing is...

I think we no need to work liao

and everyone can go rob bank cause the camera will not be able to take a photo of you

So many there is good news after all

but seriously....
If we really have no electricity
I think half the world will die and only 3rd world countries will live to tell the tales of this great solar storm

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Thursday's The Strait Time has a very interesting article

It is about money and love

Ever heard of NMNHNL?

No Money No Honey Nobody Love
in short NMNHNL

It is the sad truth about life
especially in the current society

If you are a female... ever thought of dating a guy with income that only allow him to sustain his on life and not yours?

Just think... going out with a guy that doesn't have the money to pay for you lunch or dinner
you might even have to help him pay.

Sadly no one wants that

Another example...

If you are a female earning 5k per month
and you are dating a guy earning 3k a month

You do you think is supporting who?

The female will most likely not stay with that guy for long

The Strait Time point out that
A lot of guy got instant rejection after the female know their income

Aren't that nice of the ladies to do that....

So are you can see... this world is all about money

and the best way to prevent this thing from happening
is start dating BEFORE going to work
so the female will not judge you by how much you earn

Well there is still chance you get dump afterward...
But it way better than getting dump instantly