Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Every soul shall have the taste of death

If someone say that to you... What will you feel? I mean the title

Every soul shall have the taste of death...

This line is actually found in the Islamic holy text Qur'an...

I guess it means everyone will die... Well normal....

OK now clear your mind....

Now if I were to tell you...

Sackboy... The main character of the upcoming game, LittleBigPlanet, wouldn't reach your door step soon due to a delay as there were some issue needed to be settle...

Well you might swear a bit but... you still think it is normal...

OK now... a creativity test....

What is abnormal about this post?
Well I put 2 totally unrelated topic together.... That is abnormal....

The End....


OK... Just kidding... But it sure is lame that the break is just after the line and u read it right away.... nvm nvm...

The abnormal thing is the issue that lead to the World-wide recall of LittleBigPlanet....

You know why they recall it? I bet you have some ideas now...
Do you want to post you answer at the comment?
Readers: "NO!!"

Sian.... Lazy ppl....

OK the issue is that LittleBigPlanet soundtrack has one song that have Qur'an reference in it...
And it says...
Every soul shall have the taste of death
All that is on earth will perish

People are very sensitive to stuff like this... end up everyone just have to wait a little longer...

So ppl... dun anyhow use words when composing a song



Nova™ said...
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Nova™ said...

that's kinda a weak reason to recall games. i mean, if people can't stand the song, they can also turn off the songs or maybe even remove that particular song.

just seem like a bit of an overreaction..

everyone will suffer and eventually die. the faster people realize this, the better for our species.

i just hate people who can't come to terms with things like this..