Monday, January 19, 2009

So many things

This is some many to say today...

About Jay, about hair cut and about ISM test...

Well I just go will the most shocking one...

ISM test

The rest... tml then blog...


Investing in the Stock Market

In short.... ISM

It is an IS module and it is about stock...
And yes there is an one hour test for it....

And the paper suck....

Here's why...

The paper is over 40 marks with the overall percentage 20%

So there is a total of 9 chapters to study... not so bad...
But then again... it is only for an hour...

OK 9 chapters.... First chapter is introduction... no need to read so
8 Chapters only

So very fast read finish and only few formula to remember...

Well test time...

Wow 3 question only... let see how is the mark allocated...

20, 2, 18....

What the hell... First question is 20 marks... 50% of the test already....

Let see the question....
What are the SEVEN FACTOR an investor must consider when investing in catalyst stock?

catalyst stock... erm... where have i seen it before...

Erm... erm... erm.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... AWWW!!!
CHAPTER 1!!!!!

What the hell! A 20 marks question on chapter 1....

Very sian... Cannot think of any factor... how...
I know anyhow crap!
OK the rest is math so not that bad...

But but but but.... If there is any mistake in the math I will fail....


At least, someone was feeling more down than me...
y? Cox he didn't know the 7 factors and he know that he got a math question wrong...

I wonder can he stop laughing about it and have a good night slp anot...

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