Sunday, October 2, 2011

Start school lor~

I dunwan to start school...

This is my first rest since i started disruption for my NS

This sucks...

Time to take out the plug of my PS3 and plug in my printer

It is time for notes printing again!

Why can't we be like computer?
Just input everything into ur brain
and wa la~ we know everything

The exam will be testing on our knowledge processing ability

This will be the best type of exam...

There are just too many ppl out there that only know how to memorize and not process anything

However, in exam we are taught to vomit out everything we know

So for those who memorize... they have the advantage
But in the working world... They don't know how to apply the knowledge
There is just as bad as failing the exam...

Oh well... not the time to complain about my inability to memorize things

Time to sleep...
Tml will once again start the mugging days!

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