Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cold weather.

Have you ever wonder how stuff around you works?
I sure do... It has been months and today I finally researched on it.
How does glow-in-dark item works?

This will be very technical... Not for ppl who had drop chemistry. Yea I am toking about Yik Huii.

Well glow-in-dark item has a very common item in it called phosphors. It can be found in TV screen or computer monitor and in fluorescent lights.

Phosphors is normally charge to give off light.
In a TV screen, an electron beam strikes the phosphor to energize it
In a fluorescent light, ultraviolet light energizes the phosphor.
In glow-in-dark item, we charge it with normal light. But the phosphor in these item are special they are more persistence in natural.

So u can see it store the light and give off for a few min to a hours in dark places.

Shocking... In expensive watches the phosphor is mixed with a radioactive element, and the radioactive emissions energize the phosphor continuously.
Wow... Yik Huii BE CAREFUL! Your expensive watch might give u cancer.
Well maybe not... Since ur current one is pirated one...

Speaking of watch... My watch have glow-in-dark needle too...
But you know what? In the movie theater I totally unable to see the needle.
Heng, this mean that it is does not contain radioactive element...

All this information are from

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