Tuesday, September 30, 2008


The truth about the time machine is that....

If you were to send million back in to the past....
The one million will be trap in the time loop you have created...

So if you were to send a million on 7.01PM to 7.00PM, when it is 7.01PM the money will be once again be sent back to 7.00PM... So you money will nv be doubled... Of cox you will still have the million dollar...

Confusing? OK you might want to say this, if you send a million back to the past you will have no one million at the moment and in the past there will be 2 millions.... And since i said that the money will be trap in the time loop how are we suppose to have 1 million still....

Chim... I start to confuse myself liao.... If I were to put one million back to a table will I have the money appearing all of a sudden on that table......

AR!!!!!!!!!!! I confuse myself liao!

Someone please tell me the truth!

But I still think that there will be a million since only 1 million is trap in the time loop

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